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Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium
System Requirements:
  • CPU Minimum
    1 GHz Intel® Pentium® or equivalent AMD processor or 1.66 GHz Intel® Atom® processor. We

    1.8 GHz Intel Dual Core or equivalent AMD processor. (IMPORTANT: SSE2 instruction set required)

    Processor Cache: minimum 512 KB. We recommend 2 MB.
  • Free hard disk space 2.5 GB (2.8 GB for localized non-English versions)
  • Supported Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit
    Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 and SP2, 32-bit and 64-bit
    Microsoft Windows XP SP2 and SP3, 32-bit only
    Windows Server 2003 and 2008, SP1, SP2 and R2, 32-bit and 64-bit
  • RAM Minimum
    1 GB for Windows XP and Windows Vista, and 2 GB for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003/2008.

    2 GB RAM for Windows XP and Windows Vista, and 4 GB for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003/2008 64-bit.
  • Other Microsoft Internet Explorer(R) 6 or higher (free download at www.microsoft.com)
    Creative® Labs Sound Blaster® 16 or equivalent sound card supporting 16-bit recording
    DVD-ROM drive required for installation
    Nuance-approved noise-canceling headset microphone (included in purchase). See details at support.nuance.com/compatibility/ (includes Bluetooth microphones, recorders, and Tablet PCs).
    An internet connection is required for product activation (a quick anonymous process).
    This edition of Dragon does not support dictation directly into Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems. For EMR support, please use Dragon Medical Edition.

Billing Cycle


$ / month
Subtotal: $
RRP: $
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Terms of Use:

Supported Systems:


Included Languages:

Available: 50+
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium speech recognition software lets you control your digital world by voice — three times faster than typing. Turn ideas into text at the speed of thought. Tell your PC what to do and it does it. Create documents, send email, control applications, and navigate the Web — just by talking. Use a digital voice recorder and transcribe the audio files back at your PC. Dragon is your key to less stress and more success!


Up to 99% speech recognition accuracy right out of the box
Creation of documents, reports, spreadsheets, or messages just by speaking
Ability to compose emails or search the Web for information faster than ever with Dragon Voice Shortcuts
Nuance Text-to-Speech technology that reads on-screen text in human-sounding synthesized speech
Dragon Voice Shortcuts that let you create email, schedule appointments, and search your desktop using simple voice commands
Creation of custom commands for inserting frequently used text and graphics or automating routine data entry
Ability to use Dragon with a Nuance-approved digital voice recorder and automatically transcribe your recorded voice
Support for multiple audio input devices; use Dragon with a wireless microphone, including Bluetooth
Support for Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and virtually any other Windows application
Audio playback of your dictation with the associated transcription highlighted on the screen for easier proofreading and correction
Ability to import/export custom word lists
Support for custom voice commands to quickly insert frequently used text and graphics

What customers say

Malcolm, GB
I was delighted to find InDesign at such a great price and equally as pleased at how quickly I could download it and use it. It's been with me 3 days and I've already designed a brochure! Your site has a very prominent bookmark on my browser.
Robert, US
I appreciate the help the support team provided with the installation on my computer. The tech spent well over three hours trying to get the product installed and the licensing handled. We went through numerous restarts and they always responded promptly after I sent a password for the remote access to my computer. I will highly recommend your company to others for software purchase. Thanks again.
Sandra, NZ
I had some trouble downloading the software myself but the customer support team helped promptly and solved all my issues to the highest level of satisfaction. Thanks.
Kim, US
Although I had a problem with the download, the support team helped me immediately and the problem was solved. Thank you, I am a satisfied customer.